Event Schedule
[Subject to change prior to Event Day]
8:00 AM: Car Show Registration and Voting Begins
9:00 AM: Stage Music Begins. | Craft, Food, and Services Vendors Open.
9:30 AM: Opening Ceremony & Acknowledgements.
10:00 AM: First Musical Group.
10:30 AM: Chili Tasting and Voting Begins.
11:00 AM: 2nd Musical Group.
11:30 AM: Car Show Voting Ends.
12:00 PM: 3rd Musical Group.
1:00 PM: Car Show Trophy Awards Ceremony | 4th Musical Group. | Chili Cook Voting Ends.
2:00 PM: Chili Cook Trophy Awards Ceremony.
2:30 PM: 5th Musical Group.
2:45 PM: 50-50 Raffle Winner Announcement.
3:00 PM: See Ya’ Next Year, Folks!